To make a solid model of the cam using SolidEdge, follow the steps below: There is another approach to making this cam here.
1.From the Cam Drawing File/Export/Surface Curve Vectors.
2.In the Surface Output dialog that appears, click on the Excel File button, or choose from the menu File/Export/To Excel
3.Then choose No to the Export Labels? Confirm dialog.
4.Choose Yes to Separate Files? Confirm dialog.
5.In Excel, there will be two files saved if the cam is a 2D cam and four files if it is a 3D cam.
6.The names will be Book1, through Book2 if 2D and Book1 through Book4 if 3D. The names of the curves are the names of the sheets in Excel.
7.Save the Excel sheets (in this case 4 of them) either as BookX, or give them another name.
8.Open SolidEdge, select New and ANSI inch Part, or the part for the units of the drawing.
9.I will describe this as Ordered design. If the feature tree says Synchronous, right click and click on Transition to Ordered.
10.In the Home tab, select Sketch and select the X-Y plane. Then select Circle by Center Point. put the center at the origin drag the circle and make the diameter the outside diameter of the barrel cam. Click the green check . Then click Finish and Cancel.
11.Go up to the Planes section and from the dropdown, select Parallel Planes, then select the XY plane and space the inserted plane a distance equal to the height of the Barrel Cam. Draw another circle equal to the OD of the cam on this plane using Circle by Center Point. These circles are the ends of the cylinder (barrel).
12.Select the Surfacing Tab and click the Keypoint dropdown and select Curve by Table.
13.Browse to the location of the Excel sheets that were saved in 7 above. Select each sheet
14.Select the Surfacing Tab and click on Bounded in the Surfaces area. Then select the bottom circle and create the end surface of the cylinder. Repeat this for the top surface.
15.Now select Blue Surf from the Surfaces area, then click on the bottom edge and the outside curve to create a surface.
Then click Next and Finish.
16.Blue Surf the bottom curves, then the inside curves of the groove, the top surface curves, and finally the top outside curve to the top surface. The final model will appear as:
You will then have 5 BlueSurf features in the tree and 2 Bounded.
16.Now select Stitched from the Modify Surfaces area. A dialog will appear: Click OK, or change the Stitch tolerance as desired.
17.Hold the control key down and select all of the BlueSurf and Bound surfaces: Click the green check and the dialog
will appear. Click OK, and the completed cam will look like this.
Also watch this video to another approach to making this cam.