DXF translation is easy to do and the dxf file can be opened by AutoCADR, Draftsight, Alibre, and other programs that will read the DXF file. In the Cam Drawing follow these instructions for saving the DXF file of the cam.
1.The cam drawing is made up of an Origin Triad (called axis icon), lines, arcs (circles), BSplines and text. The surface of the cam is a series of lines at each increment of the cam where the follower and cam surface are in contact. Each end of these lines are points on a BSpline curve that make up the edges of the cam surface. In the 3D version of the cam with wireframe lines turned on, these lines will be shown and then translated in the DXF file.
2.Everything that is visible on the screen will be translated in the DXF file; therefore, turn off anything you don't want to have in the DXF file and subsequent drawing.
3.For 2D cams such as plate and linear, turn off Origin (1).
4.Toggle 8 to 2D
5.Toggle Wire Frame Lines to Off (4).
6.From the File menu item select Export/DXF/Polylines and Arcs
7.Select the folder to save the DXF file to.
8.The name of the file will be the name of the Geometry. If you want a different name type it in to the File Name. The extension will be .dxf.
9.Click Save and then open it in a CAD program that opens dxf files. Also you can watch this video to see how it is done, NOTE: this video says to use BSplines and Arcs which has been superseded. In addition, the new drawing will not show arcs, only BSplines for the entire cam.