Value for Max/Min |
Select one of the computed parameters; such as displacement, velocity, etc. and then click the Max or Min button. The Cam Position will be shown in the edit box labeled Cam Pos. and the value of the Max of Min will be displayed in the edit box to the right of the Max Value label. In addition, the Max Value: label will change to the name of the parameter chosen. |
Tabular and Graph |
When the Tabular + Graph is selected and Track Line is On, a cell can be selected and a line will be drawn on the graph where that value occurs, plus the cam position and value will be displayed in the edit boxes. |
Cam Position for Selected Cell |
When a cell is selected either by the Max/Min buttons, or clicking on a cell, the cam position will be shown for that cell, plus the value will be shown in the edit box to the right. |
Value of Selected Cell |
When a cell is selected as in 3 above, the value of the parameter chosen will shown in the edit box and the label Max Value will be changed to the name of the parameter chosen. |