To create a Rib Cam with Alibre, follow the steps in Creating a Plate Cam with Alibre to Step 4.
1. Activate a 2D sketch on the XY plane, select Insert From File and Browse to the csv file you saved (Name you gave the cam) BeginInside.csv. The result will look something like this:
2. Click Deactivate Sketch and Extrude this to the thickness desired. Result will look something like this:
3. Now activate a Sketch on the Front Face and Select Insert From File and select the other curve (Name you gave the cam) BeginOutside.csv The result will look something like this:
4. Click Deactivate Sketch and Extrude Cut the depth of the rib. the result will look something like this:
5. You can then add Hub, bore, etc to complete the cam.
Also you can see the video