Users List

List of users for this computer and program. 


Add User

To add a user, click this button.  Your will be asked for the name of the new user.  If you want to copy settings from another user, click the Copy Settings Button.


Delete User

When this button is clicked, the Standard Selection Dialog Box will appear.  Select the user to delete from thd dropdown and click OK.  That user will be deleted.


Rename User

When this button is clicked, the Standard Selection Dialog Box will appear.  Select the user to rename from the dropdown, then enter the name in the Standard Input Dialog.


Not used

This is not used in this version.  It is kept for legacy versions.


Change User

When this button is clicked, the Standard Selection Dialog Box will appear.  Select the user to change to and click OK.


Copy Settings from One User to Another

When this button is clicked, the Standard Selection Dialog Box will appear.  Select the user to copy from and click OK


Standard Input Dialog

This is the standard selection dialog for users.


User's Name

Enter the name of the new user, or the new name when renaming a user.


OK Button

When done entering the name click OK


Cancel Button

Cancel if a name is not to be entered.


Standard Selection Dialog Box

This is the standard selection dialog for users.  This is used in Delete User, Rename User, Copy Settings, and Change User. 


Select the user from the dropdpwn

Select the user to delete from the dropdown list and click OK button