The Varying Load Dialog will allow the user to apply both force and inertia loads to the follower at various displacements and various segments. Since in most cases, the follower will move in one direction and then return in the other direction, the loads can be applied by segment. For example, in the form shown at displacement 0.2484 in segment 1, a load of 75 lbf is applied and at the same displacement in Segment 3 a mass of -150 lbm is removed. Cam Designer SE will handle this displacement differently because they are in two different segments. Also see the video.
To apply loads, do the following:
1.Click the New Load Button.
2.That will blank out the Disp. Applied and Disp. Removed edit boxes as well as the edit box for the load amount.
3.At that point you can enter displacement values in the edit boxes, select the type of load and enter the load amount, or
4.Click the Applied, or Removed radio button in the Disp Applied or Removed group and click in one of the Disp. cells in the Table of Displacement Values. You will see a vertical line drawn on the graph and the value in that cell appear in the proper edit box. Move the mouse wheel forward and backwards and see the highlight of the cell move up or down in the table, as well as the vertical line move on the graph.
5.Once you have selected the displacement value desired, double click the mouse and the cell value that you double clicked on will be entered into the edit box chosen. Also, the Disp Applied of Removed button selected will disappear.
6.When the displacements and load value have been entered, click the Store Load button to place the load in the All Loads table.
7.When all the loads have been applied as desired, click Loads OK button the close the dialog.
8.To move to a different segment in the Follower Displacement table, click in the row of the Kinematics Data table. The cell where that segment begins will be highlighted in the table.
CAUTION: Computation of the cam is not automatic when this dialog is exited. To recompute the cam geometry and dynamics, click the recompute button in the Geometry Input Form.
Loads OK Button |
Once all loads are entered, or modified, click this button to apply them to the geometry data. NOTE: recompute of the geometry is not automatic, click the recompute button |
Clear Loads Button |
This button will clear all loads that have been previously applied. This action is not final until the Loads OK button is clicked/ |
Applied/Removed Selection |
To use the data in the Follower Displacement table below, first select whether the displacement is where the load is Applied or Removed. |
Kinematic Segment Data |
The Kinematic Segment Data is for basic information about the kinematics of the cam. Also, it can be use to select where the individual segment starts in the Follower Displacement table. click in one of the rows and the displacement value where this segment starts will be highlighted. |
Load Number |
Click the up/down arrows to move from one load to another. You can also click on the All Loads table row to select the load. |
Show Lines on Graph |
Lines on the graph will be drawn when one of these buttons is clicked. Vertical will show a red vertical line at the cam position where the load is applied and a blue vertical line at the cam position where the load is removed. If Horizontal is clicked a red horizontal line will be shown at the displacement value where the load is applied and a blue line where it is removed. Both, shows both vertical and horizontal lines where the load is applied and removed. |
Delete Load Button |
To delete a load, click this button. You will be asked if that is what you want to do. |
Amount of Load |
Enter the amount of the load. The units for the load will be automatically applied according to the Load Type chosed. |