The cam drawing is a wireframe representation of the cam surface and some other items that may be added; such as, follower, cutter, hub, bore, and hole.  To see how this works, view this video. 


The mouse is used to change the viewing of the cam.  Use these buttons to change how the cam is viewed:

1.Click the right mouse button to position the origin at the position of the cursor.

2.Hold the right mouse button down and then hold the left down and orbit the cam about the x and y axes.

3.Press and hold the mouse wheel to pan the drawing.

4.Hold down the Control Key and Left Mouse Button to rotate about the X axis.

5.Hold down the Alt Key and Left Mouse Button to rotate about the Y axis.

6.To zoom in, or out with a window, click the Zoom Window + for zooming in and - for zooming out.


There are two ways to change the views of the cam:

1.          Select the view from the drop-down list (19)

2.Hold the shift key down and press:

F for front view

T for top view

B for bottom view

R for right view

L for left view

Alt and B for back view

I for isometric view          

At the bottom right of the drawing form is a button called Animate.  Click this to animate the cam and view the changing values of Cam Position through Torq/Force as the cam moves.  To stop the animation, click the Animate button again, or press the Esc key.  Also, you may use the slider or the Cam Inc. Up/Down arrows to position the cam. 


To Export the drawing of the cam and some of the items added, see DXF Translation, or Surface Curve Vectors


New Drawing

Click this button to delete the present drawing and prepare for a new drawing.


Create the Drawing

This button will create a new drawing


Barrel Cam Unwrap View

This button will draw the barrel cam surface curves unwrapped from the cylinder (barrel).


Select Item in Drawing

Click this button to initiate the selection of items in the drawing


Add a Follower

Add a follower to the drawing


Add a Cutter

Add a cutter


Add a Hub

Add a hub.  The hub can be drawn in the positive, negative, or in both directions.


Add a Bore Keyway

Add a bore and keyway to the drawing.


Add Hole Base Circle Text

These buttons will allow placing a hole in the cam, drawing the base circle of a plate cam, and placing text in the drawing.


Find Min and Max computed values

Select a computed parameter from the drop-down list and click Min, or Max button to see the computed value and where it occurs in the cam cycle.


Inside/Outside Values

The min and max values above can be seen for the inside face, or outside face of the cam


View Settings

These buttons will change views from the drop-down list, zoom in and out and pan select the previous view and view all.


Axis Icon size

The axis icon size can be changed with the up/down arrows.






Menu selections

Menu selections: File will allow export of the cam to DXF, Coordinates of the curves, export to Solid Works, etc.


Draw List (future addition)

This will be the list of drawings for the cams in the cam list.


Computed Values

These are computed values at the current camposition


Turn on/off various items

Turn on off the axis icon.


Coordinates of the cursor

This shows the current location of the cross hairs in the drawing


Rotate about axes, animate the cam

These selections will rotate the drawing about the three axes as well as animate the cam.